Monday, October 24, 2011

The Jesus Story Book Bible

Do you have this book yet???
Run, don't walk, to your nearest LifeWay Christian Store (Or I suppose you could go somewhere else!) and purchase this book for your children, children's ministry, or for yourself!
Not just for preschoolers, this book tells the Bible stories we love in the sweetest way, with the most precious illustrations, and every story points to Jesus.  What's not to love???

The Jesus Story Book Bible - Home

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Doers of The Word

It's that time of year to begin packing shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child.
Plan your lesson around these verses:

James 1:22
James 1:27
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Put into practice what you just learned by packing boxes for orphans and those in need. Encourage children to include a note or drawing to encourage the recipient. 

For more info on what to collect for boxes, visit Samaritan's Purse's website
 <a href="">Samaritan's Purse</a>

Be sure to pay attention to drop-off deadlines and places in your area.
Also be sure to have children pray over boxes before sending them on their way that the child who receives it gets so much more than a few material objects, but that each one encounters the love of Jesus!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Light, Life, & Love

Following is a previous post about shining our lights during Halloween, followed by some new thoughts on the subject...

Shine Your Light in the darkness of Halloween!

Halloween is about celebrating darkness and death, but as Christ followers, we are about light and life.  For a number of years my family's way of shining our lights in the darkness during this time of year is to attach scriptures about light and life to the candy we pass out to trick or treaters.  This year we decided to get our church family involved.  We asked the children to bring in bags of candy and they taped verses to the candy to pass out to those who ring their doorbells Halloween night.  We weren't sure how long this would keep their attention, but surprisingly they all got really into it!  I guess there's just something fun about doing an activity with their friends.  Either print out the verses using clip art or have kids put cute fall stickers on them, or have them draw cute fall pictures.  Another option would be to put candy and scripture cards in small snack size zipper baggies.
As we seek God about ways we can shine our lights in the darkness, let's be sure we are doing it out of love for Him and love for those to whom He calls us to shine. In scripture we read over and over again of the power of blessing someone. How about adding some scripture cards about God's love for His children?  Since candy is sweet, How about making up cards that say, "I bless you in Jesus' Name with sweetness from His heart to yours!" or make the blessing specific to the type of candy you give out..."I bless you in Jesus' Name with with kisses & hugs from your heavenly Father Who loves you so much!"...or "I bless you in Jesus' Name with More & More of His goodness!"...etc!  Get creative!

And so I bless YOU in Jesus Name with creativity and boldness as you share His Light, Life, and Love with those He puts in your path!