Scripture reference: Phil. 3:8-9
Supplies: 2 trash bags, a bunch of wadded up paper pieces
To Play:
If there are enough students, divide into 2 teams. If not, play as one team, timing each round to try to beat previous time.
Students line up. Give each student a pile of wadded up scrap paper, distributing so each student has same amount. They should place wads on floor in front of them. Tell them these paper wads represent life before coming to know Christ. Paul says our lives before Christ are like worthless trash, because we are only living for ourselves, not for Him. Point out the mess made by the paper wads. Give trash bag to first student in line. On your signal, students pass the bag down the line with each person placing one paper wad in the trash. Last person in line runs bag back to first person in line and they again pass it down the line with each person placing a wad in the bag. Play continues until all paper wads are in bag. Point out how clean the area is now, just like Christ cleans up our messes!
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