Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trust Obstacle Course

chairs, boxes, cushions, anything that would be good for creating an obstacle course

Trust Obstacle Course - Prior to students’ arrival, set up an obstacle course using chairs, cushions, boxes, etc.  If weather permits, you may want to do this outdoors where there’s more room.  Tell students that you love and care for each one of them.  Tell them that it is your desire to be there for them and to teach them God’s Word.  Ask students if they believe that you have their best interest at heart. Ask if they trust you.  Ask if they would trust you even if you asked them to do something hard.  Ask for a volunteer.  Blindfold volunteer and guide them through the obstacles from one end of area to other.  Ask volunteer if he/she believed what you said.  Talk about the importance of believing God and trusting that He will always keep His promises even if what He asks us to do seems hard or even impossible.

This is a good lead-in to the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac.  Abe had to believe God's promise that his son would have children, then trust Him to either raise Isaac from the dead or provide a substitute in order for the promise to be fulfilled.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Scripture:  Philippians 4:13

Supplies:  canned food, 10 plastic or paper cups

Prepare ahead:  Label each cup with an obstacle the enemy tries to defeat us with (fear, sadness, sickness, etc...).  Label can with "Christ's Strength".

What to do: Use can to play a game like bowling.  Set up the paper cups (labeled with obstacles the enemy tries to defeat us with), then roll can (labeled with “Christ’s strength”) toward the cups to knock them down.  Students get one point for every cup they knock down.  “We don’t have to be afraid of the enemy’s schemes, because we CAN do ALL things through Christ!”

Straight Ahead

Crepe Paper Streamers

What to do:
If weather permits, go outside for foot races.  If weather doesn’t cooperate or if girls are dressed up, stay inside and have hopping races or crawling races, etc.  Get creative!  Mark off a finish line with crepe paper streamers.  Preferably taping ends to 2 chairs or something where it can be seen when looking straight ahead, rather than placing on the floor or ground.  After races, say, “In WHAT direction were you looking as you raced?”  straight ahead.   Race again, except this time instruct students to race while looking sideways or behind them, instead of looking straight ahead.  Ask, “WHEN was racing easier?  When you looked straight ahead at the goal or when you looked to the side or behind?  When we get distracted we tend to get tripped up or veer off course, which slows us down.  When we keep our eyes on the goal, we are more focused and run a straighter more direct path.”

Contagious Joy!

"surgical" mask like one wears to prevent spread of disease (most drug stores carry these).
One of the themes of the book of Philippians is joy.  Paul encouraged the Philippians to be FULL of joy!  WHY do you think Paul encouraged them so often to be full of joy?  Let’s see if we can figure it out by looking at this illustration.  Hold up the type of mask people wear when they are sick.  What are some reasons people might wear one of these?  Sometimes people wear them when mowing the grass to prevent breathing in pollen and dust.  Sometimes people who are very sick might wear one when they have to be around other people to prevent breathing in germs that might make them sicker or to prevent breathing their sick germs on other people.  When we are sick with something that other people could get if they breathe our germs, we say we have something contagious.  That type of contagious is bad, but did you know there is a type of contagious that is good...VERY good???  It’s joy!  Have you ever been around someone who is full of joy and you couldn’t help but feel joyful too just from being with them?  Think about a baby laughing.  When you hear a baby laughing, you can’t help but laugh too!  Their joy is contagious!  Paul knew that joy is like a secret weapon.  People are drawn to other people who are full of joy.  When someone asks why you are so happy, what a wonderful opportunity to share Who Jesus is to you!  What a wonderful opportunity to share what life was like before knowing Him and what life is like now!  The enemy knows about this secret weapon of joy and that’s why he wants to steal our joy.  That’s why he brings fear into our lives.  He wants us to forget about being full of joy, because he knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  He knows that joy is contagious and can draw others to Christ.  That’s the last thing he wants to happen!  Let’s spend some time now with the Joy Giver.  Let’s ask Him to release full joy into our hearts and to make us contagious to spread His love and joy wherever we go!  Encourage students to get alone with Jesus and allow His joy to fill them up.

Worthless Trash!

Scripture reference:  Phil. 3:8-9
Supplies: 2 trash bags, a bunch of wadded up paper pieces

To Play:
If there are enough students, divide into 2 teams.  If not, play as one team, timing each round to try to beat previous time.
Students line up.  Give each student a pile of wadded up scrap paper, distributing so each student has same amount.  They should place wads on floor in front of them.  Tell them these paper wads  represent life before coming to know Christ.  Paul says our lives before Christ are like worthless trash, because we are only living for ourselves, not for Him.  Point out the mess made by the paper wads.  Give trash bag to first student in line.  On your signal, students pass the bag down the line with each person placing one paper wad in the trash.  Last person in line runs bag back to first person in line and they again pass it down the line with each person placing a wad in the bag.  Play continues until all paper wads are in bag.  Point out how clean the area is now, just like Christ cleans up our messes!