chairs, boxes, cushions, anything that would be good for creating an obstacle course
Trust Obstacle Course - Prior to students’ arrival, set up an obstacle course using chairs, cushions, boxes, etc. If weather permits, you may want to do this outdoors where there’s more room. Tell students that you love and care for each one of them. Tell them that it is your desire to be there for them and to teach them God’s Word. Ask students if they believe that you have their best interest at heart. Ask if they trust you. Ask if they would trust you even if you asked them to do something hard. Ask for a volunteer. Blindfold volunteer and guide them through the obstacles from one end of area to other. Ask volunteer if he/she believed what you said. Talk about the importance of believing God and trusting that He will always keep His promises even if what He asks us to do seems hard or even impossible.
This is a good lead-in to the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac. Abe had to believe God's promise that his son would have children, then trust Him to either raise Isaac from the dead or provide a substitute in order for the promise to be fulfilled.