Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 Commandment Relay

Supplies Needed: 
large poster boards (2)
card stock or construction paper if laminating
adhesive magnetic strips or double-sided tape
Prepare Ahead:
Using large poster boards, cut two tablets. On the tablets write the commandments leaving a blank space for the correct answers. Cut card stock or construction paper into strips the same size as the blanks on the tablets. Write the following answers on the strips: gods, idols, Lord your God, Sabbath Day, Father and Mother,  murder, adultery, steal, lies, covet. Attach magnet strips or double-sided tape onto the blank spaces and onto the back of the answer strips. You can laminate over the magnet strips. Option: Make two identical sets for team play.
The Ten Commandments -- Exodus 20:3-17
I. You shall have no other ______ before me. 
(the answer for this command is "gods")

II. You shall not make or worship ______.  (idols)
III. You shall not misuse the name of the _____ ______ _____.  (Lord your God)
IV. Remember the _________ ____ and keep it holy.  (Sabbath Day)
V. Honor your ______ ___ _______.  (father and mother)
VI. You shall not ________. (murder)
VII. You shall not commit _________.  (adultery)
VIII. You shall not _______. (steal)
IX. You shall not tell ______.  (lies)
X. You shall not _______. (covet)
 How To Play: 
Mix up answer strips in the wrong order.  Line the kids up and give the first child in line a random answer. He or she places the answer in the correct place. Player returns to the start line and tags the next player, who places answer in correct spot.  If a player thinks a previously placed answer is incorrect, he or she may change it. Play continues until all the answers are placed correctly. Playing in teams and racing to be the first team to place all the answers correctly increases the fun!
When teaching about the 10 commandments, be sure to emphasize that they were given as protection for the Israelites, but more importantly to show them their inability to keep them and their desperate need for a Savior.

What 10 Commandment activities have you done?

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