Tuesday, May 29, 2012


These are fun activities to do when teaching Matthew 10:7-8.

Supplies: Whack-a-mole game (can be found at stores where board games are sold OR Deck of cards 
Before class: Using masking tape, label each mole with a different type of sickness, such as cancer, flu, etc.
Students will take turns whacking sickness in Jesus’ name!
If using cards, first explain rules of game Slapjack - Tell them that each jack (show jack card) represents a different kind of sickness. You will place cards one at a time on table. If students see a jack (sickness), they will slap it, keeping all cards under it. Student with most cards at end wins.

Discuss our God-given authority over sickness as followers of Jesus. His Word tells us as we go, heal the sick in His Name. This is one way to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mustard Seeds, Yeast, and Treasure - Oh My!

Supplies: cross, treasure map, mustard seeds, yeast, heart
Before class begins, create a treasure map with instructions for finding various objects you've hidden around the room. Hide a packet of mustard seeds, a packet of yeast, a cross, and a heart in various places around the classroom. Object is to find the heart, but don’t tell students. They must figure it out by following their treasure map.
Give students the treasure map and instruct them to follow the clues until they find the treasure. Remind them that X marks the spot!
Say: You found some interesting objects along your treasure hunt this morning! Today we will learn what they have in common and what they have to do with a very important instruction Jesus gave to His disciples, including us!
Teach lesson on Matthew 10:7-8, Matthew 13:31-33, 44, emphasizing the Kingdom of Heaven is really all about LOVE!

Friday, May 25, 2012

WHEW!  Summer's here!  Now I may actually have time to update this blog more often...
I recently saw the cutest (AND CHEAP!) idea for a fun outdoor summertime activity...think CAMP, VBS, or any time you want something active for the kids.
Take a vinyl shower curtain (purchased inexpensively from the dollar store). Tape out a giant tic tac toe board using the ever popular duct tape (in fun colors, of course!).
Get several cheap frisbees from the dollar store and mark some with X's, some with O's.
Kids take turns tossing frisbees onto giant tic tac toe board. First one with 3 in a row wins!!