Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Exercise The Sword of The Spirit

Lead the class in doing some simple stretching exercises, such as reaching as high as they can over their heads, reaching as far forward as they can, bending down and touching their toes, pulling one leg up and back as far as they can, etc...
Say, “Exercise is important to do if we want to be healthy and strong. Before we can exercise, we need to stretch our muscles to prepare our bodies. Before studying God’s Word, it is important to prepare our hearts by inviting Holy Spirit to come and speak to us, so we are doing much more than simply reading words on a page. Let’s stretch our heart muscles and ask God to  strengthen us through His Word, so we can defeat the enemy when he comes along." 

Younger Students: If desired, students may play dress-up with knight costumes and (with lots of supervision!) play with plastic or foam swords. If weather permits, this would be a good activity to do outside. CLEARLY GIVE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PLACING SWORDS IN HANDS!!!  
Ahead of time, blow up several balloons labeled with various things the enemy might use to try to trip us up. Think of scenarios relevant to kids their ages. Remind students that they can defeat the enemy by exercising the sword of the spirit, which is  truth from God’s Word. It might be less chaotic for students to go one at a time. Show a balloon and ask student what Bible truth would apply in that situation. As they share a verse or truth, they may swing their sword and hit the balloon.
Older Students: Have students role play situations where the enemy tries to trip them up and they defeat him by exercising the sword of the spirit, God’s Word. Have students take turns going two at a time. One will draw a slip of paper, which has the enemy’s words on it and read it aloud (it might be fun to read in an evil sounding voice!).  The other student will speak a scripture or Bible truth aloud. As he/she does, student portraying enemy should do something to show defeat, such as falling to the ground or running out the room, crying, etc!  Of course, kids would get a huge kick out of it if teachers provide an example for them!

Scripture Reference:  
Ephesians 6:14-17 

Monday, September 19, 2011

God's Word is the Standard

Ask if anyone knows exactly how long several objects are, such as table, door frame, book, paper, pencil, fingers, floor mats, CD case, etc...
  • Ask, “How can we find out for sure how long these items are without just guessing?”  We can measure with a ruler or tape measure.  
  • Say, “Yes, in order to measure the items, we need the right EQUIPMENT, in this case a ruler or tape measure.”  
  • Have students measure items to see how close their guesses were.  
  • Say, “Compare your rulers.  Are the inch marks on all of them exactly the same size?  Yes!  That’s because the inch is a STANDARD unit of measurement.  An inch will always be the same size.  It is the STANDARD. We measure items against it to see how many inches they are.  God’s Word is sort of like a ruler. It is the STANDARD.  It is the TRUTH.  Just like the ruler EQUIPPED us to do the work of measuring the items, God’s Word EQUIPS us for every good work He calls us to do!”  (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eat The Word!

I ran across this recipe at  and had fun making it with our kids at church to kick off a new year of Sunday School.  One note: It says to bake for an hour and a half, but this was waaayyy too long!  I cut it down to an hour and it still overbaked, so if I try it again, I will cut it down even more.  Since we wouldn't have had time to bake the cake, I pre-baked one for us to eat and had the kids take turns reading scriptures and adding ingredients to the bowl, then we ate the pre-baked one.  One more note:  I didn't think kids would eat it if it had big clumps of figs and dates in it, so I pulverized everything in a food processor.



The Bible often likens the Word of God to food.
Job had an "appetite for God's Word more than his necessary food." (Job 23:12.)
The Psalmist regarded the Word as "sweeter than honey from the honeycomb" (Psalms 19:10).
In the Book of Revelation, John was instructed to take God's Word and "eat the book" (Rev. 10:9).
This fun recipe is another way of eating God's Word.
The children of the house will have a great time in helping make this cake.
Have the older children look up the scriptures to find the ingredients.

1 Cup golden raisins (1 Samuel 25:18..."a hundred clusters of raisins")
1 Cup figs, chopped (Isaiah 34:4..."fig from the fig tree")
1 Cup almonds, finely chopped (Numbers 17:23..."bore ripe almonds"
1 Cup dates, chopped (Exodus 15:27..."there were seventy palms")
11/2 Cups flour (Leviticus 2:5..."fine flour, unleavened)
1 pinch salt (Leviticus 2:13..."season with salt"
1 tsp. cinnamon (Exodus 30:23..."of sweet cinnamon)
1 dash ginger and allspice (Song of Solomon 4:10..."all manner of spices)
1 tsp. baking powder (Amos 4:5..."of that which is leavened"
3 large eggs (Isaiah 10:14..."one gathereth eggs")
1 Cup sugar (Jeremiah 6:20..."and the sweet cane")
1/2 Cup vegetable oil (Numbers 11:8..."cake baked with oil")
1 Tblsp. honey (Judges 14:18..."what is sweeter than honey?)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees (F) or 165 degrees (C).
In a medium bowl combine raisins, dates, figs, and almonds. Set aside.
In a large bowl beat eggs until light. Gradually add sugar and continue beating for 5 minutes.
Add oil and honey slowly and continue beating another 5 minutes.
Add flour, salt, baking powder, and spices, a little at a time. Stir until well blended.
Finally, fold in the fruit and nuts. Pour into well-greased 5"x9" loaf pan or two smaller pans.
Bake about 11/2 hours for large loaf, 45 minutes to 1 hour for smaller loaves.
Let cool for a few hours then slice with a sharp knife. Keeps well in refrigerator.

Fall Freshness!

Most of us are back in the full swing of things as a new school year has begun!  
I am back to writing Sunday School curriculum for my local church kids 
and we kicked things off with a new series called "Celebrate The Word!". 

I will be posting some ideas related to this series in future posts, so stay tuned...
Meanwhile, Happy Fall to you!  
May each of you experience a freshness of revelation 
as you plan lessons, teach, and love children in His Name.
I'd love to hear your ideas for fall!  Feel free to comment below.